Thursday, October 16, 2008

What U WANt: Inspiration by Rodarte

One of the things that really called my attention on the fall runways were rodarte-esque (spider web) tights. They were in many colors but the ones that really called my attention were the black ones. Above you can see them in white and black, and Rihanna performing on the VMA wearing them.

I was browsing through Urban Outfitters and saw this very similar tights (below).

Of course, they are not as great. But if you really want to get a similar apperance, you just have to cut them and "mess" them up a bit.

You think they'll work??




Ina Seb said...

insane tights! lovely blog as well! would you like to swap links? :)
Ina :)

Andrea said...

Ah-bsolutely!!! Thanks!! Like ur blog as well!!

Miss Urbanita said...

Fantastic pics! love those tights.

Vera said...

ah rodarte, they've been getting great publicity lately

Anonymous said...

killer tights!

Cara said...

I'm not too keen on the UO tights, but with a little destruction they could work. I say give it a try!

Pixienish said...

Pretty tights! But nothing beats the original ones I guess; they're the ultimate messy-fierce-mohair mix :)

Unknown said...

Wow those tight really have a rodarte feel. I'm gonna have to check them out.
