I dram about fashion. About style. About how it changed.
How a simple tee with a vest and flats became the new sweats and crocs. We all had to look overdone to look into fashion. What was that all about? Fashion does change, but style dosen't.
Style is not about having a thousand new trends on you outfit. It's about expressing yourself Trends are new things that people start wearing, but it dosen't mean you have too.
I sometimes believe that trends are somewhat unreasonable. First of all, some people just don't look good on them. They wear them because everyone else is. Even though, they look stupid. It's better to look good than stupid.
So wear what you know is right for you. What you like and feel good in. When you look in the mirror and like what you see.. that's what's right. So what if your not into fashion and trends.. your into style, just like everybody else is. Style is not what's in , it's what you do to express yourself, what you do on the outside to make people recognize you... that's your style.
P.S I know it may sound a bit dramatic!!
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